Doriţi să utilizaţi instrumentul nostru Configurator de produse pentru a configura acest produs înainte de a îl adăuga în coşul de cumpărături? Dacă nu doriţi, puteţi adăuga produsul direct în coş.
Due to its unique combination of submersible probe design and UV fluorescence sensing technology, the FP360 sc delivers the best technology to detect oil in water and is priced below competitive UV fluorescent instruments.
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The FP360 sc has no tubes, pumps, or valves that can foul or require constant maintenance interventions. Maintenance is limited to occasional wiping of the sensor's measurement window and a calibration once every two years.
Uleiuri minerale în apă – până la cel mai redus nivel al domeniului de detectare
While laboratory testing is the ultimate method of measuring oil in water, it is a long and complex process that requires special equipment and trained lab personnel. The FP360 sc provides a cost-effective, continuous online monitoring solution to maintain process control and avoid oil contamination with minimal laboratory testing.
Sonde rezistente, disponibile şi din titan
The FP360 sc can detect and measure polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from 1.2 ppb to up to 5000 ppb (µg/L). This is approximately equivalent to a concentration of mineral oil between 0.1 - 150 ppm (mg/L). Furthermore, the FP 360 sc method of detection makes it impervious to interferences by turbid water or natural organic and biological matter that impact online light scattering, UV absorbance, and VIS fluorescence instruments.
Controller digital SC pentru până la 8 sonde
The Hach Digital Controller Family can receive data from up to eight Hach digital sensors, including oil-in-water, suspended solids, turbidity, pH/ORP, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, ammonium, phosphate, SAC, and nitrate in any combination.
There’s no complicated wiring or set up procedures with the family of controllers. Just plug the sensor to any Hach digital controller and it’s ready to use because it’s “plug and play.”
Conţinutul cutiei
Oil-in-water probe, user manual
Body Material:Titanium
Calibrare:Calibrat din fabrică prin calibrarea cu fluorescenţă UV sau de proces cu rezultatele analizei unei probe punctuale.
Condiții de depozitare:-40 °C - 60 °C
Conţinutul cutiei:Oil-in-water probe, user manual
Curatare senzor:No
Detector:Fotodiodă UV cu filtru de interferenţe; compensare pentru lumina naturală şi fluctuaţiile de intensitate ale bliţului
Diametru:68 mm
Domeniu de măsurare:0 - 500 ppb (µg/L) (PAH) or 0.1 - 15 ppm (mg/L) (Oil)
Domeniu de masurare :0.1 - 15 ppm (µg/L) ulei, în funcţie de standardele de calibrare
0 - 500 ppb (µg/L) PAH, în funcţie de standardele de calibrare
Garanţie:24 luni
Greutate:Titan 1,8 kg
Interval de presiune:Max 30 bar /435 psia (sondă de măsurare)
Lungime:311 mm
Lungime cablu:max. 40 m (130 ft) inclusiv cablul prelungitor
Material corp:Titanium
Metoda de măsurare:Metodă cu fluorescenţă UV pentru hidrocarburile aromatice policiclice (PAH)
Reproductibilitate:2.5 % din valoarea măsurată la temperatură constantă
Stimul:Lungime de undă 254 nm
Sursa de lumina:Mini-bliţ cu xenon şi filtru de interferenţe
Temparatura ambiantă:-5 - 45 °C
Temperatura probă:1 - 40 °C (de la 33,8 la 104 °F)